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Is Someone On Parole Entitled To A Bond?

Short answere: A parolee is not entitled to bond. If someone has pending charges, most parolees do not receive a hearing until after the...

Failing A Breath Test On Probation In Texas

Short answere: If you're on probation for DWI and fail a breath test, it's important to seek legal counsel immediately. The consequences of a...

How Long is Felony Probation in Texas?

Short Answere: For misdemeanors, probation periods are at least nine months and no more than two years. For state jail felonies, they last between...

Understanding and Challenging a Motion to Revoke Probation (MTRP Charge): A Comprehensive Guide

Probation provides those who have committed crimes the opportunity to reform while still being under court oversight, outside of incarceration. However, the stability of...

Can i own a gun after deferred adjudication in texas?

Short answere: Yes, individuals in Texas may be able to own a gun after a deferred adjudication, but it's not guaranteed. Deferred adjudication means...

When Is Running From The Cops A Felony?

Short Answer: Yes, running from the police can be a felony. This is especially true if it endangers public safety, involves repeated offenses, or...

Who is eligible for probation? All you need to know

If you are looking for a quick answer to the question of who is eligible for probation, you will find the correct and short...

Unauthorized Use Of A Motor Vehicle Vs Theft

There are important differences between unauthorized use of a motor vehicle (UUMV) and theft. In cases of UUMV, the prosecution is not required to...